“Following the news earlier this week that our long standing supplier-partner, Emmepi Group, has acquired Avanti Conveyors, I am happy to confirm I have been appointed as CEO of this new handling division within Emmepi Group,” says David Williams, Managing Director. “I will combine this new role with the on-going role as Managing Director of GTS Europe, which will continue as before. Whilst my time will be shared between both businesses, there is a good deal of synergy given that both companies are focussed on providing products, solutions and service to the same industry.”

He continues, “Indeed, Avanti and GTS with a combined workforce of over 80 people, can now offer a better sales and support structure to all our customers than ever before, all backed up by the very dynamic and fast growing Emmepi Group in Italy which now totals over 200 people. In addition, we are now in the process of recruiting more sales and service personnel to work alongside our existing experienced team, adding yet more value for all of our brand principals here in the UK/Ireland market and beyond. This new 'family' of companies is certainly benefitting from the sum of all the parts.”
Solid first half year
With the first six months of 2024 behind us, we are delighted to report an excellent first half year, not only in terms of sales, but also installations.
“Following the momentum we started to build in the second half of 2023, interest for equipment from our extensive portfolio of leading machinery suppliers has continued apace for the first half of 2024,” says David. “With a definite uptick in demand for corrugated packaging in the UK, our clients are re-examining machinery investment projects, many of which got put on hold during early 2023 due to lack of consumer demand.”
We have achieved some significant sales and installations in the first six months of the year, including multiple sales and installations for Aopack, Emmepi, Gazzella Atlantique, Hanway and LMC, Solarco and Weipong.
“In May, we had some exceptional meetings at Drupa in Düsseldorf, where we had several clients who were interested in both Hanway digital printing machines and Aopack short run boxmakers, including the GTS Boxstar,” concludes David. “With some big installations taking place as we speak, and plenty of orders in the pipeline, we are actively recruiting new personnel to join our team.”
Exciting times ahead for our customers throughout the UK and Ireland, that is for sure!